A Wedding is a Day...
A Marriage is a Lifetime®

Who We Are

We are a community of Catholics serving engaged couples by sharing our experiences of living out the values of a sacramental marriage.

Learn more about our designation as the premier marriage preparation program for the Catholic Church.

What We Do

We host weekend retreats for engaged couples incorporating presentations, self-reflection, and couple’s dialogue.

Learn more about what happens on a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend.


Family traditions and values we grew up with influence expectations for marriage.


A sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church is a lifetime covenant.


Good verbal and non-verbal communication is a key to a strong marriage.


Intimacy is growing to know your spouse more deeply including emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually.


Establishing common values important to you as a couple is essential.

Weekends are available nationwide.

There are multiple weekends being presented in different cities and states across America. There are also weekends offered in different parts of the world by the International Catholic Engaged Encounter Community.

Reserve a Weekend

Make a reservation with Catholic Engaged Encounter today!

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